Whhhhhyyyyyyy????!??!?!?!??!??! |
This weekend was the worst, worst, worst, worst, worst day ever!!!!!! Why? Because another dog has been adopted! What!? I know that’s what I said!! Look at his goofy mug, pug mix that’s worse than a beagle! Which FYI when did I ever say I didn’t love the beagle? She’s the greatest! Compared to this new beast she’s my bff! Let me list the reasons I hate this new snorting interloper.
1) He snorts, really lame!
2) He never barks, um all dogs like the sound of their voice, clearly he’s really some kind of small bear, platypus or ewok perhaps a mix of all 3 somehow.
3) He has a bigger under bite than me, an under bite was my thing and trust me he doesn’t look handsome with his.
4) His name is Maximus Chunk, really! My name is Captain Stuntman Shippo Alowishus Badorrek the 4th, yeah beat that Chunk!
5) He touches my stuff and tries to get me to play, I don’t play I sit on the couch and look cool in case any ladies happen by.
Ugh look at that goofy, snorty grin!
Sigh, it really is just terrible. He and the beagle are like super friends; obviously neither of them has much brain power. Ok I admit once or twice I may have complained about the stinky one, and true she is sick and it’s nice to give her what she wants (I guess grumble) but really a snorty one? Ugh it’s the Worst. Day. Ever!
LOL another rough day for Shippo!