Thursday, June 30, 2011

Worst Day #72

I thought there was nothing worse than a beagle. But I was wrong, I was so very wrong. Because along came the snorty one, the unholy love child of an ewok, a platypus and a pug and hes ruining my life, as if it could get anymore ruined!

First off he keeps touching my things, MY THINGS! He chewed the ears off my fox and my stripey bear had to be rescued and put into witness protection. Now stripey's changed his name and I cant find him.
I miss my bff!

Also now the noms are split three ways. It was bad enough when they were split between me and the stinky one but now the chunky one is stealing all my delicious treats. As if those things werent bad enough, he also stole my spot on the bed! I sleep next to the bald human, its not that I like the bald human so much its just that's my spot and my human , these are things I own not the puggy one and I don't appreciate this interloper.

I spend most of my days weeping now, for when things were simple and it was just the beagle and I. Here is the last photo known of stripey and I, if you see him on the street don't say hi, I fear for his life! A photo from happier days, please send nuggets or a highly trained assassin. Worst. Day. Ever.

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