Thursday, July 21, 2011

Worst Day #8002

I decided to go on a Hunger Strike in protest to the presence of the snorty one, lack of nuggets and my general displeasure at my life. The first few days it didn't go so well, I didn't realize that when you are on a hunger strike you must skip your food and in fact go hungry!!! Its a well known fact that chi-stiffs have a super efficient metabolism, how else do we stay so slim and handsome, and skipping meals is a special kind of torture for us. However my life is terrible enough I felt this was necessary to make a point and last night I really held out.

It was torment. First I thought of these:

With my mouth already watering I thought of this:

Then these fluffy stacks of heaven popped into my mind:

Still I resisted, my willpower almost Godlike. Now I felt the round human will really see how I feel, now I will finally get some justice! Even the dry cereal I am normally fed was looking appetizing! But I stayed strong and held out until I felt sure I had made my point.

Weak with starvation I crawled to my dry cereal and dove in. As I was eating I noticed the round human giving the stinky one a treat, while I handsome, brave and starving Shippo ate dry boring kibble. Then like a slap in the face she handed a treat to the chunky one! Did my hunger mean nothing to her? Had my protest gone unnoticed, I realized tortured myself was thoughts of nuggets I couldn't have for nothing! That hunger strike was the worst 2 minutes of my life and apparently it was all for nothing. Worst. Day. Ever.

                       Still weak from hunger, I plot my next move for justice!

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