Monday, June 14, 2010

Worst Day #588

Me and The Beast, no I wont let my face be shown in a photo with her willingly.

This weekend the humans dragged me and the stinky one to the park. Oh joy walking around outside when its hot, Oh look a duck, Oh fun exercise, and Oh a sticky kid is trying to pet me, Best. Day. Ever. Not.

OK I admit its nice to sniff out a new place but it was HOT. And my handsomeness must have blinded most people passing by as they kept stopping to say how cute the beagle was, clearly the heat made them light headed. As if they wasn't disgusting enough, she clearly enjoyed the attention letting small sticky humans pet her, and their large keepers rub her tummy. Barf. The best part of the whole trip was when a swan almost attacked her, clearly I need to get to know this swan. It speaks my language! When we got home I was so hot I had to lay in my round bed near the A.C. for hours and my muscles ached from all that walking. Worst. Day. Ever.

Check out my guns in this picture, nice!


  1. If the swan had attacked sookie, would that have been the best day ever?

  2. this is why you should be more social, shippo... you need friends like that swan!

  3. If the swan had been sucessful in its attack it would have been the best day ever, if she lost an ear or something the very best day ever!!! I agree perhaps I can have that swan over to play with my stripey bear sometime!
